Library - State Bank of Pakistan

News and Events

  • JUN 23 2023

    Special Session for Summer Camp Children

    As part of our ongoing efforts to highlight the significance of books and libraries in child development, we organized a captivating event (click here to see the photo gallery) for the children of the Summer Camp.

    The event aimed to showcase how books and libraries play a vital role in shaping a child's mind and fostering their love for learning. We wanted to provide an interactive and engaging experience that would leave a lasting impression on their young minds.

    During the session, the children were divided into small groups and were encouraged to explore our vast collection of Books and Atlases. They were given the opportunity to dive into different genres and discover the wonders that lie within the pages. Our dedicated librarians were available to guide them, answer their questions, and offer insightful recommendations.

    To make the event even more exciting, we introduced multiple activates like “Library Lingo – Cross Word Puzzle”, sketch drawing, making customized book marks, and many more. It was heartwarming to witness their creativity as they drew beautiful illustrations and wrote heartfelt messages about their newfound appreciation for books and Libraries.

    The success of this activity reaffirmed our belief in the importance of libraries as nurturing environments that stimulate a child's curiosity and thirst for knowledge. We hope that this event will have a lasting impact on the children, encouraging them to continue exploring the world of books and utilizing our library as a valuable resource for their personal growth.

    We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the participants, parents, and staff members who made this activity such a memorable one. Together, we can continue shaping young minds and instilling a lifelong love for reading.

  • JUN 12 2023

    Orientations for Participants of Summer Internship Programs of SBP & SBP-BSC

    Two separate groups of interns partipating in Summer Internship Programs of SBP & SBP-BSC visited the Library on 12-Jun-2023. The groups were given orientations about the Library's resources, services and facilities available to them and how these can be optimally utilized. 

  • JUN 01 2023

    Uncover a Comprehensive Bibliography of Books on Central Banking

    Let our carefully curated collection of books introduce you to an enlightening exploration of the intricacies of central banking. Delve into the fundamentals, policies, and practices that shape the global financial landscape. Gain insights from renowned experts, historical perspectives, and cutting-edge research to deepen your understanding of this vital field.

  • MAY 31 2023

    Explore an Extensive Bibliography of Books on Hajj and Umrah Available in SBP Library

    Embark on a spiritual pilgrimage with our carefully curated collection of books on Hajj and Umrah. Immerse yourself in the rich history, rituals, and significance of these sacred journeys. Discover inspiring accounts, practical guides, and profound insights to enhance your understanding and preparation.

  • MAY 24 2023

    Explore Your Library's Collection for Enhancing Mental Health and Well-being

    Embark on a journey towards mental well-being with our extensive collection of books dedicated to understanding and improving mental health. Dive into a wealth of knowledge, perspectives, and practical advice on managing stress, fostering resilience, and nurturing emotional balance.

  • MAR 22 2023

    Bibliography of Notable Books on Pakistan Movement

    On the commemorative occasion of Pakistan Day, we pay homage to our founding fathers whose contributions and sacrifices underwrote the creation of our homeland Pakistan.

    For the awareness of our valued readers, a Bibliography of notable books has been compiled that sheds light on the struggle of the Indian Muslims, their resolve and unwavering commitment to independence movement as well as the intense suffering they endured on thorny path of independence. We believe everyone find this list inspiring, informative and worth reading.

  • MAR 20 2023

    International Day of Happiness

    In commemoration of International Day of Happiness, which is being observed globally today, the 20th of March 2023, with the theme 'Be Mindful. Be Grateful. Be Kind'; the SBP Library has compiled a list of books that encourage and advocate happiness, mindfulness and positivity. We hope that giving these books a read will boost your spirits, bring you joy and enrich your personal and professional well-being.

  • MAR 17 2023

    Marhaba Ramazan!

    Join us on a journey of spiritual enlightenment as we present an exclusive collection of remarkable books exploring the profound importance and blessings of the Holy Month of Ramazan.


  • MAR 08 2023

    International Women's Day Celebration

    To commemorate International Women’s Day 2023 with the theme “EmbraceEquity”, SBP Library has compiled a list of empowering, motivating and inspiring books written by, for and about women. We hope that everyone finds this list riveting and worth-sharing.

  • OCT 03 2022

    Revised Library Timings

    With reference to the communication issued by Office of the Governor on June 21, 2022 regarding measures for energy conservation and rationalization of spending and its subsequent revision by the Executive Committee in its meeting held on October 03, 2022, the Library will continue to be opened for one hour (11 AM to 12 PM) only till further orders.

  • JUN 21 2022

    Library Timing during 22-06-2022 to 30-09-2022

    As Temporary Energy Conservation and Spending Rationalization Measure, Library timings (for issuance & return of books only) have been reduced to one hour only between 11:00am to 12:00pm during 22-06-2022 to 30-09-2022.

  • DEC 15 2020

    Discontinuation of Reading Facility within Library

    On the recommendation of the Committee on Measures against
    COVID-19, the competent authority has approved discontinuation of the reading facility within SBP Library till further instructions. However, circulation services (including issuance, return, renewals, and reservation of books) will continue to be offered to the members.

  • SEP 13 2020

    Resumption of Library Services

    Library will be resuming its services for SBP employees from tomorrow, the 14th of September, 2020. However, services for external visitors will remain suspended till further instructions. All library visitors are advised to comply with COVID-related SOPs including wearing of mask, use of sanitizers and maintaining social distancing, to avoid any
    possible health hazard for themselves, their families and colleagues.

  • MAR 20 2020

    Closure of Library amid Covid-19 Pandemic

    SBP Library will remain closed from today as a preventive measure against the spread of covid-19 till further instructions. No library fines will accrue during this temporary closure.

  • JAN 02 2019

    Governor Inaugurates Newly Renovated Floor of SBP Library

    The SBP Library recently underwent refurbishment of its infrastructural facilities at ground floor that included: re-insulation of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) ducts, replacement of fluorescent tube lights with LEDs, replacement of plaster of Paris (POP) false-ceiling with perforated metallic tiled ceiling, replacement of insulated carpet flooring with customized Freeca & Wattle carpet tiles, replacement of blind-double-sided wooden-framed bookshelves with see-through-double-sided aluminum-framed bookshelves, and addition of  some modern chairs, tables, and study carrels.

    Governor Inaugurates New Renovated Floor of SBP Library

    The refurbished library was inaugurated by the honorable Governor State Bank of Pakistan, Mr. Tariq Bajwa, on January 02, 2019. The Chief Librarian, Mr. Bashir Ahmed Zia, carried out a guided tour of the Library for the visitors demonstrating prominent features of each section. The Governor appreciated all the teams involved in the renovation work including the Library, the Engineering and the General Services Department and expressed his hopes that the renovated library with its lively ambiance, modern décor, and improved signage would attract more readership resulting in increased usage of library resources.

  • JAN 16 2014

    Senior Faculty members from Hamdard University Visit SBP Library

    A delegate comprising five senior faculty members from Faculty of Social Sciences, Hamdard University headed by the Coordinator Ph.D Program Dr. Iqbal Ahmed visited SBP library on 16th January 2014 in response to our invitation. Their visit was arranged in connection with orientation workshops being conducted for local business schools in order raise awareness among them about services, facilities and resources of SBP library and to promote its membership and utilization.  

    Mr. Bashir Ahmed Zia, Chief Librarian, SBP welcomed the delegate and explicated the purpose of orientation program in addition to SBP Library Friends membership Program. Mr. Zia ur Rehman, Electronic Resource Librarian gave a comprehensive orientation on SBP Library resources, collection, services, policies, web portal and external membership. Afterwards, the delegate was given a round of library by Mr. Zia ur Rehman, Hafiza Zaheer Fatima and Arshad Mahmood. The Faculty Members appreciated the orientation program, SBP library resources, services, and Library Friend Program, and showed their keen interest in library membership as well as their commitment to enlighten their researchers and  students about the SBP library services and collections.
    Visit of Hamdard University Faculty to SBP Library

  • AUG 01 2013

    SBP Library Gets Free Access to Project Muse

    With courtesy of the Higher Education Commission & INASP, SBP Library has got free access to  the Project Muse 550+ journals and 5300+ ebooks which would now be accessible across SBP network through IP authentication at: 

  • JUL 09 2013

    Library Timings during the Ensuing Holy month of Ramzan-ul-Mubarak

    The following timings shall be observed in the State Bank of Pakistan Library during the ensuring Holy month of Ramazan-ul-Mubarak 1434 A.H.:

    Monday through Thursday: 08:00 a.m. to 04:15 p.m. (without any break)

    Friday                                : 08:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m. (without any break)

    The above timings will automatically be reverted to pre-Ramzan-ul Mubarak timings after Eid-ul-Fitr.

  • MAY 02 2013

    Subscription of Ebscohost BusinessCore eBooks Collection

    Upon growing demand of library users regarding expansion in e-book collections alongside e-journals, SBP Library arranged bank-wide subscription of BusinessCore e-Books Collection from EBSCOHOST--the leading online publishing platform in the world.

    The BusinessCore e-Books Collection  contains over 7,700 titles covering all disciplines of business, including accounting & finance, economics & banking, mathematics & statistics, information technology, business communication, human resources, strategic planning, leadership & management, project management, marketing, sales & selling, mergers & acquisitions, green business, etc.The titles chosen are taken from world’s top book publishers, including John Wiley & Sons, AMACOM, MIT Press, Sage, The Career Press, Ashgate, HRD Press, Greenwood, etc. Around 6,500 books (85% of the total) included in this collection are those published after the year 2000 indicating recency of the collection.

    The collection is accessible across SBP and its subsidiaries via IP authentication at the following URL:

    List of titles covered under the BusinessCore eBooks Collection can be downloaded from:

  • APR 01 2013

    Subscription of Emerald Management eJournals Database

    SBP Library has subscribed to Emerald Management eJournals -- a business research database of over 200 double-blind peer-reviewed journals providing comprehensive coverage across all management disciplines with archives dating back to 1994.

    The database can be accessed from any terminal connected to SBP country-wide network through IP authentication via

    To learn how to access electronic content over Emerald’s website, a 3 minutes demo is available at::

     For any further query, please contact Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman – Librarian at Ext: 3015 or email him at: [email protected]

  • JUL 16 2012

    Visit OF US Consulate-Karachi Officials to SBP Library

    Ms. Shazia Ali – Director IRC, US Consulate, Karachi along with her colleague visited SBP Library on July 16, 2012. While leading the orientation tour, Mr. Bashir Ahmed Zia – Chief Librarian, SBP acquainted them with the library staff and briefed them about the organization and functions of different library sections. Visitors appreciated library staff for developing and maintaining such a wonderful collection of information resources and extending excellent knowledge support to users under the visionary leadership of the Chief Librarian. Possibilities of future collaborations for information exchange between SBP Library and US Consulate in Karachi were also discussed during the visit.

    Visit of US Consulate - Karachi Officials to SBP Library 

  • JUN 07 2012

    Subscription of eIFRS

    SBP Library has taken comprehensive subscription of eIFRS, which covers online access to:

    • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and International Accounting Standards (IASs) in HTML format
    • IFRSs and IASs in PDF format dating back to 1975
    • Subscriber-only previews of Near-final drafts of forthcoming standards and interpretations
    • Translated IFRSs, IASs and Interpretations in PDF format into Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, with other languages to follow.   [Note: There is usually a delay between the date an official pronouncement is issued by IASB or IFRIC and the date that the approved translation becomes available.]
    • International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) update and International Accounting Standards Boad (IASB) update newsletters
    • IFRS Foundation education material, including Summaries and Guides through the official text of each IFRS and IAS with hyperlinked cross-references and annotations, including relevant IFRIC agenda items;  
    • A powerful 'Search Standards' function allowing subscribers to search eIFRS by issue date and more.
    • IFRSs CD-ROM download (PC-Specific single user license)

    Please note that due to single user license, access to eIFRS resources is restricted to a designated public terminal placed at e-library corner. Persons interested in consulting eIFRS should check the availability of the terminal for use from Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman – Electronic Resources Librarian at Ext: 3015 prior to visiting the library.

  • MAY 31 2012

    Online Subscription of Oxford English Dictionary

    Taking into account the positive feedback of its valued members regarding institutional subscription of Oxford English Dictionary Online (OED Online) -- for which a one month trial was arranged during January/February 2012, SBP Library is pleased to finally announce the regular subscription of OED Online effective from June 01, 2012.

    Acknowledged to be the most authoritative and comprehensive record of English language in the world, OED Online not only presents the complete OED in its most recent version but also includes the Historical Thesaurus of the OED. It provides the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over 600,000 words and 3 million quotations—past and present—from across the English-speaking world.

    The OED website can be accessed within SBP and its subsidiary offices across the country via Since the site configuration has been set up through IP authentication, hence, does not require any IDs/Passwords to login. However, the persons desirous of consulting the site must be connected to SBP network and have internet access enabled.

    In case of any problems, assistance can be had from:

    Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman
    Electronic Resources Librarian
    Ext: 3015
    Email: [email protected]

  • MAR 02 2012

    First Formal Internship Program at SBP Library

    An 8-week internship program of SBP Library which started on January 9, 2012 was finally concluded on March 02, 2012. The program was aimed at promoting the soft image of SBP as an “enabling organization” among the students and to provide them with a practical learning opportunity that may help in their career development. Two students, namely: Mariam Noor and Safia Mustafa, from Department of Library & Information Science, University of Karachi attended the internship. The interns were given hands on experience of performing all library operations ranging from acquisitions through technical processing to reader services. At the end, certificates were awarded to the interns for successful completion of the internship.

    Photograph Taken on the Conclusion of First Internship Program at SBP Library

  • FEB 21 2012

    Library Day Celebrations

    To foster reading habit among students, Board of Intermediate Education Karachi (BIEK) directed all its affiliated higher secondary schools and colleges to celebrate Library Day every year on February 21.

     Students Visit of SMB Fatima Jinah Girls Degree College Nishtar Road, Karachi to SBP Library

     Students Visit of SMB Fatima Jinah Girls Degree College Nishtar Road, Karachi to SBP Library

    In this connection, the management of S.M.B. Fatima Jinnah Govt. Girls Degree College, Nishter Road, Karachi arranged a visit of their Library Science faculty and students to SBP Library. The visitors were given thorough orientation of the library functions, got acquainted with the library staff and briefed about the resources, services and policies of SBP Library. The college Principal on behalf of all visitors thanked SBP Library staff for hosting the event and appreciated their knowledge promotion endeavors especially for the general public through external membership program. 

  • JAN 16 2012

    Trial Access to Oxford Scholarship Online

    SBP Library is considering subscribing to Oxford Scholarship Online – a vast and rapidly expanding cross-searchable library which offers quick and easy access to the full text of over 6,500 of the very best scholarly Oxford books in Biology, Business and Management, Classical Studies, Economics and Finance, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Mathematics, Music, Neuroscience, Palliative Care, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health and Epidemiology, Religion and Social Work.

    For evaluation purposes, a one month trial access of the following subject collections has been arranged:

    1. Business & Management (234 books)
    2. Economics & Finance (437 books)

    The trial will remain active until 11th February 2012 on SBP network through IP authentication. Please spare some time to review these collections and let us know if you consider these worthwhile to subscribe.

    For any queries/comments, please contact:

    Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman
    Ext: 3015
    Email: [email protected]

  • JAN 16 2012

    Online Trial Access to Oxford Journals

    SBP Library has taken one month’s trial access to the following Oxford Journals with full-text archives dating back to 1996 (where available):

    1. American Journal of Agricultural Economics
    2. American Law and Economics Review
    3. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
    4. Cambridge Journal of Economics
    5. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
    6. Capital Markets Law Journal
    7. CESifo Economic Studies
    8. Contributions to Political Economy
    9. European Review of Agricultural Economics
    10. European Review of Economic History
    11. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics
    12. Industrial and Corporate Change
    13. Journal of African Economies
    14. Journal of Competition Law & Economics
    15. Journal of Economic Geography
    16. Journal of European Competition Law & Practice
    17. Journal of Financial Econometrics
    18. Journal of International Economic Law
    19. Oxford Economic Papers
    20. Oxford Review of Economic Policy
    21. Review of Asset Pricing Studies
    22. Review of Corporate Finance Studies
    23. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
    24. Review of Finance
    25. Socio-Economic Review
    26. The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
    27. The Quarterly Journal of Economics
    28. The Review of Economic Studies
    29. The Review of Financial Studies
    30. The World Bank Economic Review
    31. The World Bank Research Observer
    32. Trusts & Trustees

    The trial will remain active until 15th February, 2012 on SBP network through IP authentication. You are requested to help us make the subscription decision by reviewing the contents of journals and thereby suggesting which titles need to be subscribed or dropped otherwise. The titles listed above mostly come from the Economics collection. However, you may recommend journals of your choice from other disciplines as well. A full list of oxford journals is available for review at:

    For any queries/comments, please contact:

    Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman
    Ext: 3015
    Email: [email protected]

  • JAN 12 2012

    Trial Access to Oxford English Dictionary Online

    In consideration of subscribing to Oxford English Dictionary Online (OED Online), SBP Library has arranged its one month’s trial access for evaluation purposes. The trial will remain active on SBP network until 11th February 2012 through IP authentication. The subscription decision will be based upon user’s recommendations and the usage statistics during the trial period.

    Acknowledged to be the most authoritative and comprehensive record of English language in the world, OED Online not only presents the complete OED in its most recent version—including all work to date on the 3rd edition but also includes the Historical Thesaurus of the OED. It provides the meaning, history, and pronunciation of 600,000 words and 3 million quotations—past and present—from across the English-speaking world.

    The dictionary can be accessed at:

    Please spare some time to browse the online dictionary and let us know your feedback of how vital you consider this resource for regular subscription.

    For queries/comments, please contact:

    Ext: 3015
    Email: [email protected]

  • JUL 30 2011

    Library Timings During the Holy Month of Ramazan-ul-Mubarak

    The following timings shall be observed by the SBP Library during the Holy month of Ramazan-ul-Mubarak 1432 H:

    Monday through Saturday (Except Friday):          08:30 to 15:45 Hours

    Friday:                                                               8:30 to 12:30 Hours

    The above timings will automatically revert back to pre- Ramzan-ul Mubarak timings after Eid-ul-Fitr.

  • JUN 24 2011

    Subscription of AREAER Online Database

    It is notified for the general information of all concerned that SBP Library has subscribed the newly launched AREAER Online Database which tracks exchange and trade arrangements for all 187 IMF member countries since 1950.

    This unique database is updated yearly based mostly on information from country authorities. The database also provides information on different types of capital controls used by countries, restrictions on current international payments and transfers, arrangements for payments and receipts, procedures for resident and nonresident accounts, exchange rate arrangements, and the operation of foreign exchange markets. It also includes measures implemented in the financial sector, including prudential measures.

    AREAER Database can be browsed/searched in one of the following ways:

    • Full Yearly Report: to view an entire annual report by selecting a year.
    • Country Reportto view an individual country report via selection of country and year.
    • Data Queryto generate a query through multiple selections of country, year and category parameters combined with a powerful keyword search option.

    The database is bank-vide accessible at:

    Any problems in access can be reported to Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman (Electronic Resources Librarian) at: [email protected] ; Ext: 3015

  • APR 30 2011

    Library Orientation Workshop at SBP-BSC (Bank), Rawalpindi

    With the purpose of promoting usage of electronic information resources subscribed by SBP Library, an orientation workshop was held at SBP-BSC (Bank), Rawalpindi on April 25, 2011. Around 40 officials of the Bank attended the workshop (Click here to see List of Participants). Mr. Waheed Akram – Deputy Directory (DFSU, Rawalpindi) acted as the event coordinator. The workshop started with the recitation from the Holy Quran. Mr. Akhtar Raza Mirza – Chief Manager, SBP-BSC (Bank), Rawalpindi delivered the welcome address in which he appreciated the Library Team for their knowledge promotion initiatives. Later, Mr. Bashir Ahmed Zia, Chief Librarian enlightened the participants about the need and key objectives of the workshop. Finally, Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman, Electronic Resources Librarian delivered a detailed presentation on the subscribed electronic resources and demonstrated their key features and access options. The presentation was followed by a Questions & Answers Session in which the speakers replied to various queries raised by the participants. Mr. Waheed Akram – the event coordinator delivered vote of thanks and concluded the workshop.

    Speakers & Participants of Library Orientation Workshop Held at Rawalpindi on April 25, 2011

  • APR 05 2011

    Library Orientation Workshop at SBP-BSC (Bank), Peshawar

    The 5th orientation workshop under SBP Library Outreach Program was held in SBP-BSC (Bank) Peshawar on April 04, 2011. Over 35 officials of the Bank attended the workshop. Ms Atiqa Gul – Deputy Directory (DFSU, Peshawar) acted as the event coordinator. The workshop started with the recitation from the Holy Quran. Syeda Asma Aziz – Chief Manager, SBP-BSC (Bank), Peshawar delivered the welcome address in which she emphasized the importance of libraries and applauded the presenters for their initiative to promote library usage in the field offices through the conduct of orientation workshops.  Later, Mr. Bashir Ahmed Zia, Chief Librarian enlightened the participants about the need and key objectives of the workshop. Finally, Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman, Electronic Resource Librarian delivered a detailed presentation on the subscribed electronic resources and demonstrated their key features and access options. The presentation was followed by a Questions & Answers Session in which the speakers replied to various queries raised by the participants.

    Speakers and Participants of Library Orientation Workshop held at SBP-BSC (Bank), Peshawar on April 04, 2011

    Some proposals floated by the participants during the workshop for the improvement of SBP library system were:

    1. Publishing SBP Library Portal on the internet and giving remote access to online resources to all SBP & SBP-BSC (Bank) employees;
    2. Developing a detailed user guide for the library portal;
    3. Hiring of qualified librarians for the field offices;
    4. Enhancing annual budget allocation for the field office libraries;
    5. Completion of automation process of field office libraries, including their membership records, through the Bank’s centralized Library Information & Management System (LIMS) on priority basis; and
    6. Promoting SBP Library resources amongst the students of academic & research institutions through workshops & seminars and making the friends of library program alive in the field offices by allowing external membership

    The Chief Librarian committed to submit a cumulative report to the SBP-BSC (Bank) management about the status of field office libraries with the recommendations for their improvement at the end of the orientation series.

    Ms Atiqa Gul – the event coordinator delivered the vote of thanks and concluded the workshop.

  • MAR 07 2011

    Library Orientation Workshop at SBP-BSC (Bank), Multan

    In order to promote awareness and usage of electronic resources subscribed by SBP Library, an orientation workshop was held at SBP-BSC (Bank) Multan on 07th March 2011. Around 85 participants including scholars of local universities, representatives of various commercial banks of the region, and employees of Multan Office attended the event (Click here to see List of Participants). Mr. Javaid Iqbal Marath, Chief Manager, SBP-BSC (Bank), Multan inaugurated the workshop. Mr. Bashir Ahmed Zia, Chief Librarian enlightened the participants about the key objectives of the workshop. Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman, Electronic Resource Librarian delivered a detailed presentation about subscribed electronic resources and demonstrated their key features and different access options. The participants maintained their interest and attentiveness till the end of this lengthy but informative presentation spread over three hours. The presentation was followed by a Questions and Answers session in which the speakers replied to various queries raised by the participants. At the end, the participants were served with the High-Tea.

    Speakers & Participants of Library Orientation Workshop Held at Multan on March 07, 2011

  • MAR 02 2011

    Subscription of ScienceDirect e-Journals Collection Pertaining to Economics, Econometrics & Finance

    SBP Library has subscribed an online collection of 89 full-text journals pertaining to “Economics. Econometrics & Finance” through ScienceDirect to cater the growing and diversified information needs of our library patrons.

    The collection contains leading high impact factor journals, published by Elsevier, with full-text content dating back to 1995. Complete list of titles covered in this collection along with links to their full-text issues can be viewed at ScienceDirect website <> which is accessible across SBP and its subsidiaries throughout Pakistan.

    Any problems in access can be reported to: Mr. Ijaz Alam, Librarian (Ext: 3100) or Mr. Zia ur Rehman, Electronic Resources Librarian (Ext: 3015)

  • FEB 16 2011

    Trial Access to RefWorks

    SBP Library has arranged a free institutional trial to RefWorks which will remain effective untill March 16, 2011.

    RefWorks is a web based citation management tool that allows users to easily gather, manage, store and share bibliographic information, as well as generate citations and bibliographies.

    To create an account with Refworks, users need to:

    1. Visit from an IP authenticated computer.
    2. Click on Sign Up for an Individual Account.
    3. Enter the appropriate information and click on Register.

    To preview RefWorks with the new 2.0 interface click here:  

    In addition, there is a RefWorks tutorial available within the program itself.  To access this feature just click on the Tutorial link located at the top of each page, or go directly to Please note the tutorial is currently in the Classic interface.

    If you have any questions regarding the trial, please contact Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman, Electronic Resources Librarian  at Ext: 3015 or via e-mail: [email protected]

    Please do submit your feedback to the Library about your RefWorks experience. It will help us in making a decision about regular subscription of this web-based research utility.

  • JAN 26 2011

    Trial Access to Emerald Management Plus

    SBP Library is considering subscribing to Emerald Management Plus Database which provides electronic access to a growing portfolio of 225 top-ranked management journals classified under 24 management disciplines.

    For evaluation purposes, we have got established a bank-wide trial access to the database for one month which will remain active until February 24, 2011. The trail is available only within State Bank’s Network via:

    All colleagues, specially working in HRD, BSSD, and Finance, are requested to explore the contents of the database and send us their feedback regarding its usefulness to their business by February 25, 2011 so that we may reach a decision regarding acceptance or denial of the subscription offer in the light of your valuable comments.

  • DEC 06 2010

    Library Orientation Workshop at SBP-BSC (Bank), Faisalabad

    As part of its outreach program, SBP Library conducted an orientation session at BSC Faisalabad for promoting awareness and use of Library’s online resources accessible across SBP’s country-wide network. around 25 people representing various commercial banks and academic institutions along with the officials of BSC-Faisalabad attended the event.  Click here to see the List of Participants

    Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman (Electronic Resources Librarian) delivering presentation at Library Orientation Workshop at SBP-BSC (Bank), Faisalabad).The program was inaugurated by Mr. Sajjad Ali Shah, Chief Manager, SBP-BSC (Bank), Faisalabad. Mr. Bashir Ahmed Zia, the Chief Librarian, enlightened the participants about the key objectives of the orientation. Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman, Electronic Resources Librarian, presented a detailed demonstration of the subscribed electronic resources, their key features, and access options. The participants maintained their interest and attentiveness till the end of this lengthy but informative presentation spread over three hours. The presentation was followed by a Questions and Answers session in which the speakers replied to various queries raised by the participants. At the end, the participants were served with the High-Tea.  Mr. Muhammad Riaz Khokhar (event coordinator)  delivered the vote of thanks and concluded the program.

  • NOV 24 2010

    Trial Access to OECD iLibrary Complete

    Library has taken one month trial access to OECD iLibrary <> which hosts books, journals, working papers, and statistical datasets released by OECD and its partner organizations like IEA, NEA, PISA, and ITF. The trial will remain active until December 23, 2010.  All colleagues are requested to critically evaluate the usefulness of this portal to their business and send us their feedback latest by December 31, 2010 enabling us to decide about selecting or rejecting this particular resource for subscription.

  • NOV 15 2010

    Library Orientation Workshop at SBP-BSC (Bank), Lahore

    Speakers and Participants of Library Orientation Workshop at SBP-BSC (Bank), Lahore.

    SBP Library, as part of its outreach program, conducted an orientation session at Lahore field office for promoting use of Library’s online resources accessible across SBP’s country-wide network. Around 50 people including representatives of various commercial banks, professors, research scholars, librarians, and students of local universities and officials of BSC Lahore attended the event. Click here to see the List of Participants

    The program was inaugurated by Mr. Munir Ahmed, Chief Manager, SBP-BSC, Lahore. He elaborated the significance of the orientation session to the participants and remarked it as a unique knowledge sharing program for stakeholders of SBP Library. The Chief Manager appreciated the Chief Librarian for his initiative of conducting such program and applauded the external participants from various educational institutions, commercial banks, etc. for their keen interest and enthusiasm in availing this exclusive opportunity.

    Mr. Bashir Ahmed Zia, the Chief Librarian, enlightened the participants about the key objectives of the orientation. Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman, Electronic Resources Librarian, presented a detailed demonstration of the subscribed electronic resources, their key features, and access options. The participants maintained their interest and attentiveness till the end of this lengthy but informative presentation spread over three hours. The presentation was followed by a Questions and Answers session in which the speakers replied to various questions raised by the participants. At the end, the participants were served with the High-Tea.  Mr. Raza Habib Raja (event coordinator) delivered the vote of thanks and concluded the program.

  • AUG 19 2010

    Subscription of New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online

    SBP Library, in its continuous endeavors to serve its patrons with up to date and state-of-the-art information resources in all formats, has arranged subscription of the New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online – a renown dynamic resource for economists and bankers. The Dictionary can be accessed within SBP through the IPs registered with the publisher. The printed 6 volumes set of the Dictionary (2008 edition) is also available in library for consultation. The salient features of the Dictionary include:

    • provides full-text online access to 1,872 scholarly articles written by over 1,500 eminent contributors from its 2008 print edition and 1,119 articles from 1987 edition;
    • offers excellent search and browse facilities, both full text and advanced, that make it possible to explore the Dictionary with great speed and ease;
    • contains hyperlinked cross-references within articles, making it an indispensable tool for researchers and students;
    • features carefully selected and maintained links to related sites, sources of further information and bibliographical citations;
    • enables users to bookmark searches and articles, along with their own notes, in My Dictionary, or add links to articles on social bookmarking sites;
    • incorporates quarterly additions and updates.

    The dictionary can be accessed within SBP’s network at:

    Please contact Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman, Electronic Resources Librarian (ext: 3015) in case of any access or navigation problem.

  • JUL 08 2010

    Trial Access to ACM Digital Library

    SBP Library is considering to take institutional subscription of ACM Digital Library which is the largest online archive of full-text computing literature, consisting of: 

    • 2.0+ Million Pages of full-text articles
    • 272,000 Articles
    • 20,000 New full-text articles added each year
    • 40+ High Impact Journals
    • 270+ Conference Proceedings Titles
    • C  2,000+ Proceedings Volumes
    • 9 Magazines (including the flagship Communications of the ACM)
    • 43 Special Interest Groups contributing content
    • 800+ Multimedia Files containing audio, video, animations, and more.

    For evaluation purposes, a bank-wide free trial access to this resource has been established for one month which will remain active until August 8, 2010. The trail is available only within State Bank’s Network via:

    All colleagues, specially working in ISTD, PSD, IA&CD and TOD, are requested to explore the contents of ACM Digital Library and send us their feedback regarding its usefulness to their business by August 01, 2010 so that we may reach a decision regarding acceptance or denial of the subscription offer in the light of your valuable comments.

  • AUG 01 2009

    Subscription of EbscoHost Databases

    The following databases have been recently added to the subscription list of SBP Library:

    • Business Source Corporate: Contains full text from more than 2,700 quality magazines and journals. Information in this database dates as far back as 1965. Additional sources include more than 1,400 country economic reports from EIU, Global Insight, ICON Group International, CountryWatch, etc.; more than 10,150 substantial company profiles; and over 5,200 full text industry reports.
    • Regional Business News: Provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications. Regional Business News incorporates coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
    • McClatchy-Tribune Collection: Includes a 90-day archive of approximately 290 newspapers from the McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. This database is updated daily.
    • Current Abstracts: Offers complete bibliographic citation information for more than 16,000 scholarly academic journals. This database provides up-to-date table of contents, abstracting and indexing for all included journals.
    • Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts: Indexes more than 500 core journals, more than 50 priority journals, and 125 selective journals; plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s.
    • GreenFILE: Offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. The database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 384,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 4,700 records.
    • Teacher Reference Center: Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 270 of the most popular teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional educators
  • JUN 17 2009

    Trial Access to Finance Journals of Henry Stewart Foundation

    SBP Library has arranged three months free trial access (starting from 17th July 2009 until 16th September 2009) to the following journals of Henry Stewart Publications:
    • 1. Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning: A leading professional journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles and case studies by business continuity managers, emergency managers, emergency responders and homeland security professionals. It contains actionable advice and `lessons learned? from industry peers. Each issue provides practical, detailed analysis of best practice, innovative techniques and new thinking in key strategic issues ? not technical minutiae ? showing how plans have been designed, deployed, tested and updated, as well as how interruptions, emergencies and exercises have been managed in practice. Full Text Coverage: Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2006 ? Present
    • 2. Journal of Corporate Treasury Management: A leading professional journal for treasury management professionals within companies, larger non-profit organizations, and those working within organizations providing services to corporate treasurers. The journal is guided by an expert Editorial Board consisting of leading figures throughout the world. Board members include those from multinational companies, banks, consultancies and academia. Full text coverage: Vol. 1, No. 1, July 2007 ? Present
    • 3. Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems: Publishes peer-reviewed articles on best practice and new thinking in how to develop a profitable, customer-focused payments strategy. It examines major issues facing the payments industry from a business, risk and operational perspective with no advertising or advertorial. Each quarterly 100-page issue provides practical, detailed analysis of developments and trends in the payments business including payments methods, markets and products, regulation, new entrants and technologies, as well as actionable advice and `lessons learned? from fellow professionals on how payment processing systems can be leveraged to maximise profitability, security and efficiency and minimize risk. Full Text Coverage: Vol. 1, No. 1, October 2006 ? Present
    • 4. Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions: Publishes peer-reviewed professional articles and case studies reviewing the best practices, innovative techniques and new thinking for all those directly concerned with the management of strategic and business risk, financial risk, operational risk, regulatory risk and systemic risk in the financial sector. Guided by an expert Editorial Board of leading risk professionals, it analyses emerging areas of risk for financial institutions and how they have been identified, reviewing new strategies, models and processes used to mitigate risk and how they have been implemented in practice. Full Text Coverage: Vol. 1, No. 1, Oct-Dec 2007 ? Present
    • 5. Journal of Securities Law, Regulation & Compliance (Formerly Journal of Securities Compliance): A new professional journal analyzing current and emerging issues in securities law, regulation and compliance around the world. Peer-reviewed articles provide detailed legal analysis, regulatory updates and practical guidance on legal and regulatory risk management. Guided by an expert Editorial Board and Editor, Jennifer Bergenfield, each quarterly, 100-page issue is specifically designed to provide a high quality forum for the exchange of new thinking and practice between legal and compliance experts from major law firms, established financial firms and the world's leading stock exchanges and regulatory organizations. As a peer-reviewed, professional Journal, it does not publish advertising, but rather in-depth analysis and practical advice from industry peers. Full Text Coverage: Vol. 1, No. 1, October 2007 - Present
  • OCT 27 2008

    Free subscription to IMF eLibrary

    SBP Library has managed to get free subscription to IMF e-Library which is an online searchable repository of IMF publications. It covers the literature published by the International Monetary Fund on its own policies and activities as well on its 185 member countries. The publications include:

    • Official Reports and Documents
      • Annual Report of the Executive Board
      • Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions
      • IMF Working Papers
      • IMF Staff Country Reports
    • World Economic and Financial Surveys
      • World Economic Outlook
      • Global Financial Stability Reports
      • Regional Economic Outlook for Asia & Pacific, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Western Hemishpere
    • Independent Office Evaluation Reports
    • Books published by IMF
    • Miscellaneous Reports & Papers

    IMF e-Library can be reached at:

  • OCT 26 2008

    Subscription of IMF statistical databases

    The following statistical databases published by the International Monetary Fund have recently been subscribed by SBP library, free of cost, to facilitate its users:

    1. Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)
    2. Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)
    3. Government Finance Statistics (GFS)

    A brief description of the scope and coverage of these databases is summarized below:

    1. Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS): The IMF Balance of Payments Statistics contains over 100,000 quarterly and annual time series data. The data include aggregate as well as detailed information in the form of analytical and standard component presentations for countries. Additional documentation is included with descriptions of methodologies, compilation practices, and data sources used by individual member countries in compiling their balance of payments and international investment position statistics. In addition, the BOPS Online service contains data as reported by the balance of payments correspondents to the IMF Statistics Department. The IMF BOPS is updated once a month. Composed of international economic transactions data, BOPS delivers vital statistical information that covers:

    • total goods, services, factor income, and current transfers an economy receives from or provides to the rest of the world
    • capital transfers and changes in each economy?s external financial claims and liabilities
    • tables featuring area and world totals of balance of payments components and aggregates.

    Access URL:

    2. Direction of Trade Statistics: DOTS Online service provides data on the value of merchandise exports and imports between each country and all its trading partners. The database includes:

    • total bilateral and multilateral exports and imports aggregated at national or regional group level
    • data for the most recent six quarters and the latest year for 169 countries, and ten quarters and five years for the world and area tables.

    Access URL:

    3. Government Finance Statistics (GFS): The IMF Government Finance Statistics contains statistical data on government financial operations for 145 IMF member countries. Where reported, the database contains time series from 1990 onwards using the Government Finance Statistics Manual, 2001 (GFSM 2001) framework. The statistics, issued quarterly, are updated as new data are received and time series become available. These time series present combined statistics on revenue, expenses, transactions in nonfinancial assets and financial assets and liabilities as well as for stocks of assets and liabilities of general government and its subsectors.

    Access URL:

  • OCT 01 2008

    Subscription of Islamic Finance Information Service

    Islamic Finance Information Service (IFIS) is considered as a single stop online resource for investigating market opportunities in the world of Islamic finance. Using proprietary tools and research, IFIS delivers information on:

    • League Tables for Islamic bonds, Deals & Transactions detailing structure of issues, issuers, term sheets and conditions etc.,
    • Islamic financial Guidelines and legal content from Regulatory bodies;
    • Rankings of the top industry players
    • Database on Top global law firms involved in Islamic finance.
    • Shariah Rulings, Financial Market information, current news, events, academic and research papers
    • IFIS E-Weekly Overview; and
    • Much more??

    Owing to high subscription costs, SBP Library has taken a single user license to this service for 15 months period starting from 01st October 2008. The database has been configured on a dedicated computer terminal for library users placed in e-library corner. Persons interested in browsing the database are advised to take an appointment to avoid long waiting in a line ups. For further details and booking, please contact Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman at Ext: 3015, Email: [email protected]

  • JUL 28 2008

    ITC Gives Developing Countries Free Access to Trade Analysis Tools

    The International Trade Centre has developed five web portals, namely: Trade Map, Market Access Map, Investment Map, Trade Competitiveness Map and Product Map to enhance the transparency of global trade and market access and to help users in their market analyses.

    These easy-to-navigate web-based analytical interactive tools offer detailed, up-to-date and relevant trade and market access data on predefined products in virtually all countries, especially developing ones. Business and investment information is also available for many markets.

    Users can carry out a host of analytical tasks, ranging from market assessment to the prioritizing of sectors for trade promotion. They can readily compare countries' trade performances, prepare for trade talks by analyzing national tariffs or analyze foreign direct investment flows to prepare investment attraction initiatives.

    Users from developing countries can register here to acquire a free access valid until 31 December 2008.The new registration system allows users to access Trade Map, Market Access Map and Investment Map with an email address as common login name.

    To get your free password, please register at:

  • JUL 26 2008

    SBP Library Gets Free Access to Chicago Journals

    SBP Library has been successful in getting free online access to Chicago Journals through Higher Education Commission. The collection includes full-text articles from 54 journals published by the University of Chicago Press dating back to 1995. The subjects covered are: Astronomy, Education, Humanities, Law, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Medical Sciences and Social Sciences. The Chicago Journals can be accessed on SBP?s country-wide network from the following URL:

    Access URL:

  • JUL 25 2008

    HEC Provides Free Access to McGraw-Hill Access to Science

    The Higher Education Commission has granted SBP Library with free access to the GoldMaster Award Winner Website namely: McGraw-Hill Access to Science. It features:

    • Over 8,500 online articles from the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 10th edition.
    • Research Updates from the McGraw-Hill Yearbooks of Science & Technology
    • 110,000+ definitions from the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms
    • 15,000 illustrations and graphics, and bibliographies containing more than 28,000 literature citations
    • Content contributed by more than 5000 researchers, including 36 Nobel Prize winners
    • Biographies of more than 2,000 well-known scientists from the Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography®
    • The latest news in science and technology from Science News® and ScienCentral® videos

    AccessScience is available on SBP?s country-wide network at the following URL:

    Access URL:

  • JUL 25 2008

    Doctors Demand Fulfilled

    SBP Library, with the courtesy of Higher Education Commission, has established free institutional subscription to McGraw-Hill Access to Medicine — an innovative online resource that provides medical students, residents, clinicians, and researchers with instant answers to their clinical questions.

    Updated daily by world-renowned physicians, AccessMedicine is the most authoritative current review and clinical tool that provides information necessary for completing evaluations, diagnoses, case management decisions, conducting research, medical education, or self-assessment and board review. It features:

    • Clinical Library for searching leading medical resources including Harrison’s Online, CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2008, The MD Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology, Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine , Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery, Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine, Fitzpatrick’s Color Atlas, etc.
    • LANGE Educational Library containing over 30 LANGE basic and clinical science resources plus the free LANGE self-assessment tool
    • Some Value-Added Features including an updated drug database, daily medical updates, patient education, differential diagnoses from Diagnosaurus, PDA downloads, and much more.
    • Visual Diagnostics Images containing hundreds of high-quality images and radiographs

    AccessMedicine is available on SBP’s country-wide network at the following URL:

    Access URL:

  • JUL 25 2008

    Happy News for Bank Engineers

    The Higher Education Commission, under its National Digital Library Program, has subscribed to the McGraw-Hill’s Digital Engineering Library for all the public and private sector universities and R&D organizations, including the State Bank of Pakistan. It features:

    • 5,000 chapters derived from 170+ outstanding McGraw-Hill titles
    • Structured around 12 major areas of engineering disciplines
    • 500 major topics ranging from Aerospace Engineering to Mechanical Engineering
    • A powerful online repository of engineering content from the field’s premier publisher
    • Easy and effective search or topical browse

    The Digital Engineering Library can be accessed on our bank’s country-wide network from the following address:

    Access URL:

  • DEC 17 2007

    Trial Access to Global Economic Monitor (GEM)

    GEM is a new World Bank online subscription service, updated daily, providing analysis of current economic trends, economic and financial data indicators, and an extensive database. It features:

    • up-to-date analysis on global economic conditions
    • daily briefs
    • event-driven focus reports
    • high-frequency datasets via Quick Query
    • forecasts of world commodity prices and main macroeconomic indicators for over 130 countries
    • Regular Monthly briefs with data on:
      • Global growth trends
      • Industrial production
      • International trade
      • Financial markets
      • High-income countries
      • High-tech markets
      • Oil and non-oil commodity markets
      • Currencies

    State Bank Library has got trial access to this service until 31st December 2007. The login credentials to access this service are:

    User Name: gemtrial2
    Password: trial

  • NOV 28 2007

    Subscription of is the electronic information service of Central Banking Publications Ltd, a financial publishing company which specializes in reporting on central banks, financial regulation and international finance. It offers daily updates and an independent commentary on news and research in the fields of monetary policy, interest rates, financial regulation, reserve management, payment systems and public debt management. It also contains a searchable archive of some 20,000 stories, covering:

    News:All the latest news, events and releases from around the world, carefully selected and summarised by our editorial team.

    Comment: Topical comment by the CentralBankNews editors, and links to the best comment and articles on the web.

    Reports/Research: Summary and highlights of regular reports and new research from central banks and financial regulators, including annual and quarterly reports, inflation reports, and financial stability reviews

    Speeches: Summary and highlights of speeches by central bankers and financial regulators.

    People: Appointments, resignations and other news about people in the fields of central banking and financial regulation, selected and researched by Central Banking?s editorial team.

    The login details to access are:


    User Name: bzia

    Password: sbp358

  • NOV 28 2007

    Free Access to Taylor & Francis Journals

    This database comprises of over 1000 peer-reviewed research journals covering all major subjects in humanities, social sciences, and applied sciences. This collection can be accessed within SBP and its subsidiary offices in Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar through our registered IPs at the following address:
    A complete list of journals covered in this database can be viewed at:
  • NOV 16 2007

    Subscription of New Electronic Resource: Islamic Finance News

    Islamic Finance News is industry?s leading, capital markets focused, weekly e-newsletter that provides insightful and intelligent editorial coverage of the global Islamic financial markets. It publishes non-biased, educational, and up-to-date country and sector reports giving first-hand knowledge and understanding of the Islamic finance markets and instruments from the specialist?s point of view.

    The login credentials for this service are:
    Login ID: [email protected]
    Password: ISIFN06/1323

    Note: The login ID and password to access this e-newsletter are terminal and person specific. Therefore, it can only be accessed through the designated terminal located in the library. People interested in having any specific issue of this newsletter should contact Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman (Ext: 3015, Email: [email protected]) or visit the library in person for browsing the back issues.


  • NOV 06 2007

    Free Access to Taylor & Francis e-Books

    This wonderful resource has also been provided to SBP by the Higher Education Commission. It contains Online e-Collections in 10 Key areas of Social Sciences and Humanities, each containing 100-1000 titles. The new e-Collections have been sourced from the highly-regarded publishing heritage of imprints such as Routledge, RoutledgeFalmer, UCL Press, Garland and Taylor & Francis. The subjects coverage includes Education, Philosophy, History , Business & Management, Politics & International Relations, Literature, Economics, Sociology, Geography & Religion. These collections can be accessed within SBP and its subsidiary offices in Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar through our registered IPs at the following URL:

    Access URL:

    Unlike in a print library, each title within an e-Collection subscription can be viewed by five users at a time. An online reservation system is provided if anyone is ever unable to access a title. Individual users within the library can see their own copy of each book. Each user can make their own private annotations, highlights and bookmarks, and print up to 5% of each book in the library collection.

  • NOV 06 2007

    Online Access to Oxford Scholarship

    Oxford Scholarship Online is a cross-searchable library containing the full text of over 920 Oxford books in the areas of Economics and Finance, Philosophy, Political Science, and Religion. Speciallycommissioned abstracts and keywords are available at book and chapter level, and atleast 200 new and recently-published books are added each year to this collection. This resource has also been provided to SBP by the Higher Education Commission under its Digital Library Program.

    Access URL:

  • NOV 06 2007

    SBP Library Gets Free Access to Oxford Reference Online

    SBP Library has been successful in getting free access to yet an other database from Higher Education Commission, namely Oxford Reference Online. It contains over 100 dictionary, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press. This resource can only be accessed within SBP and its subsidiary offices in Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, and Peshawar through our registered IPs at the following URL:

     Access URL:

  • NOV 06 2007

    Oxford English Dictionary is Now Available Online!

    Oxford English Dictionary, an accepted authority on English Language, is now available online to our library members at: 

    This has been made possible through the courtesy of Higher Education Commission under its National Digital Library Program. The Oxford English Dictionary is an an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. It traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources, from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cookery books. The OED covers words from across the English-speaking world, from North America to South Africa, from Australia and New Zealand to the Caribbean. It also offers the best in etymological analysis and in listing of variant spellings, and it shows pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet. The largest dictionary of any language in the world, it charts the meaning and evolution of over 600,000 words over the last 1500 years.

    (Note: This source can only be accessed within SBP and its subsidiaries located at Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar through our registered IPs)