Library - State Bank of Pakistan

Audio Visual Resources

Audio Visual (AV) Resources constitute an integral part of any library collection and their role in training and development is established. In order to enhance the effectiveness of in-house training programs at SBP, a plan to establish an audiovisual library was undertaken as a development project in 2007-08. Consequently, the primary equipment/peripherals needed for the project, such as TV, DVD player, Cordless headphones, etc. were acquired. The collection development was started with the procurement of management training videos. Later, the scope of AV collection was broadened to incorporate other disciplines as well. The current AV collection comprises of CDs / DVDs containing lectures, speeches, presentations, tutorials, and documentaries on a brand range of topics, including but not limited to: business continuity planning, banking, cosmology, Iqbaliat, comparative religion, and soft managerial skills.

Click here to see complete list of Audio Visual Resources