Library - State Bank of Pakistan

Library Organization

Since its inception, Library remained administratively associated with Research Department. However, as a result of restructuring and business process reengineering in SBP in 2005, it was placed under Corporate Services Department (CSD). A few months later, it became a division of Training & Development Department. Later, on 28th August 2008, Library emerged as a separate entity and placed in Monetary Policy and Research Cluster (MP&R) under the direct supervision of Chief Economic Adviser. Then again, in 2010, the Library was placed in Research Department under the supervision of the Director-Research.

Chief Librarian, being the Library Head, takes care of all operational and administrative affairs of the library. However, all policies and procurements are made with the approval of 5-member Library Committee headed by the Chief Economic Advisor (MP).

The entire business of the library is functionally divided into the following units:

1. Technical Services Division

Deals with the procurement and technical processing (such as accessioning, classification, cataloguing, indexing, entering holdings’ records into Library Information & Management System, bar coding, and labeling, etc.) of monographs, periodicals, audiovisual materials.

2. Reader Services Division

Handles the matters pertaining to membership and lending, provides reference/instructional support to library users, and manages access to electronic information resources.

3. Support Servies Division

Formulates yearly business plan; gets track of monthly & quarterly progress on key development initiatives; prepares annual budget and budget variance reports; maintains leave accounts of library officials; manage receipt and dispatch of letters, memos and circulars; maintains payment registers and proper filing of all invoices, approvals and related documents; acquires stationery, maintains imprest account, and provides administrative support to all other units of library.

Below is the pictorial illustration of library's organizational structure: