Library - State Bank of Pakistan

Rules & Policies

1. Library Hours

Except for the official holidays notified by the federal government, the Library will remain open from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm on Mondays through Fridays. A break between 01:00 pm to 2:30 pm will be observed on Fridays for Juma prayer.

2. Entitlement of Use

a) For Reference:  All SBP employees (in-service / retired) and the people from general public, specifically the bankers, researchers, academicians, and college/university level students can use library resources for reference or consultation.

b) For Borrowing: Only registered Library members as defined under regulation (5) can borrow books from the library as per their borrowing limit specified under regulation (7).

3. Denial of Admission

Although the Library is open for all, yet the right of admission may be denied to any person who, in the opinion of the Chief Librarian/Librarian/Assistant Librarian, is:

  • Of unsound mind;
  • Intoxicated;
  • Shabbily dressed; or
  • Ill mannered

4. Pre-Requisites of Entrance / Exit

Persons having right of the admission to the Library under regulation (2) and desirous of entering the library shall:

a) Deposit all personal belongings such as bags, umbrellas, files, private books, etc. at the security counter as carrying those inside the library is strictly prohibited.

b) Shall allow the Security Guard(s) at the entrance of the library to examine everything that passes into or goes out of the library.

c) Register his visit in the computer placed at the reception desk specifically for the purpose of Visitation Record by disclosing his/her PIN, card number, CNIC, etc.

d) Deposit the Gate Pass for the issued books with the Security Guard(s) while going out of library.

5. Membership

The following classes of persons can become members of the Library and borrow library resources as per the privileges set under regulation (7):

a) SBP In-Service Employees:  Shall apply for membership on Form CD-46A duly verified by HRD or the respective HOD.

b) SBP Retired Employees: Shall apply for membership on the same form as for in-service employees (i.e. Form CD-46A ) along with two colored passport sized photographs and a copy of CNIC. Additionally, they shall have to submit one personal surety of an  in-service SBP employee having at least three years confirmed service in the Bank. Membership will be granted only after verification and undertaking from the surety. In the event of resignation, retirement, termination, removal, dismissal, or death of “surety” they will be required to furnish another valid surety immediately, failing which their membership shall stand cancelled.

c) Outsiders: Shall apply for membership on Form CD-46B along with two colored passport sized photographs and a copy of CNIC. Additionally, they shall also have to provide surety of an in-service SBP employee having at least three years confirmed service in the Bank. Membership to outsiders will be granted only after the verification and undertaking from the guarantors. The membership will be valid for two years but renewable with fresh consent of the surety. In the event of resignation, retirement, termination, removal, dismissal, or death of “surety” the members will be required to furnish another valid surety immediately, failing which their membership shall stand cancelled.

6. Borrower’s Card

A card known as the Borrower’s Card will be issued to each person accepted as member under regulation (5). Such cards shall be strictly non-transferable and shall have to be presented at the counter at the time of drawing and returning books. A member, who loses his / her card, should at once inform the Chief Librarian in writing and can get a duplicate card issued on request. A penalty of Rs. 50/- will be payable on loss of the Borrower’s Card. At the time of getting clearance, the borrower’s card must be surrendered to the Library.

7. Borrowing Privileges

The borrowing privileges will only be available to the registered members as per following scales:

a) In-service SBP Employees:      15 books
b) Retired SBP employees:            5 books
c) Outsiders (Friends Members):   3 books

8. Loan Period

Books will be issued to all categories of members for a period of 30 days

9. Reservations

a) Books lent to one member can be reserved by the others provided the person wishing to make a reservation has no outstanding books in his/her account as overdue.

b) The reservation limit for each category of members is as follows:

    i. SBP employees (both in-service & retired) cannot have more than 5 reservations at any one time

    ii. Outsiders may have a maximum of 3 reservations at any one time

c) Upon return of a reserved book, a message (through email or phone) will be sent to the member who placed the reservation request for that particular book. If the member fails to collect the books(s) within 3 days from the date of intimation; the reservation may be forfeited and such book(s) may be placed on the shelves or issued to the next members in reservation queue.

10. Renewals

A book issued can be renewed on the due date for another term of 30 days provided there is no reservation against it.

11. Recalls

A book issued can be recalled before the due date if required urgently by someone for official need. Failure to respond promptly may lead to suspension of Library privileges.

12. Reminder Notices

Borrowers are strictly required to return the borrowed book(s) within the prescribed due date. The following follow-up mechanism will be adopted to ensure early returns:

a) A due date reminder notice will be served to the member(s) one day prior to the due date.

b) If the book(s) are not returned within the due date, the first friendly overdue notice will be served on the very next day of the due date which will follow five notices on a monthly basis.

c) After the lapse of six months, a fine recovery notice will be dispatched intimating that the amount of fine accrued for the past six months on outstanding book(s) would be deducted from the borrower’s next month salary.

d) After the lapse of one year, a final notice will be issued intimating that if the book(s) are not returned within 7 days of the issue of the final notice, the replacement cost of the book(s) shall be recovered as per Regulation (14).

e) Recovery of fine and replacement cost in case of Retired SBP members and Outsider Friends Members would be made from their concerned sureties in the light of sub paras (c) and (d) above. The sureties would be kept in the loop while issuing reminders to the Friends members for overdue books.

13. Fines

A fine of three rupees per day per volume will be imposed for not returning the book(s) within the prescribed time. However, in no case, the amount of fine shall exceed the replacement cost of the book(s) defined in Regulation (14).

In case of SBP retired employees and outsiders, the total fine accrued on outstanding book(s) will be collected at the library counter while receiving back the book(s). However, if they refuse to pay the fine, their memberships will be cancelled and their guarantors will be approached for settlement of their accounts.

In case of SBP in-service employees, the amount of fine accrued on outstanding book shall be automatically deducted from their salaries when they return the books or no response to reminders described under Regulation (12).

14. Damage/Loss of Borrowed Books

a) Library resources shall be dealt with due care. Underlining, marking, folding, or tearing of pages from library items is strictly prohibited.

b) In case of irreparable damage to the book or its loss, the replacement cost, shall be recovered from the salary of the borrower. The replacement cost would be charged as double of the current market price of the book. The outsiders and the retired employees of SBP shall pay the replacement costs at Library’s circulation desk. In case of failure on their part to pay such replacement costs, the same will be recovered from their surety / sureties.

c) In para (b) above, the word loss shall be taken to mean: (i) the loss of the book as declared by the borrower himself, or (ii) a borrower’s inordinate delay (12 months maximum) in returning the book inferred as result of reminders’ process set out in Regulation (12). In any case, action to charge replacement cost shall be taken.

d) The physical condition of book(s) should be checked while checking out. Mutilation of pages if found is to be brought to the notice of the circulation in-charge. Otherwise, the borrower himself/herself shall be responsible for mutilation of the book if detected afterwards.

15. Non-Lending Categories

Certain types of material, e.g. References Books, Rare Books, United Nations’ Publications, Government Publications, Periodicals, Newspapers, and CDs/DVDs, are for consultation in the Library only and are not to be taken away. However, in special circumstances (such as for consultation in a meeting, workshop, etc.) the Chief Librarian may allow to lend such materials on short term basis.

16. Clearance

In all cases when employees leave the Bank’s service, they will return the borrower’s card otherwise the clearance certificate will not be issued to them. In case of the transfer of an employee from Karachi to any field office, he will be required to collect a clearance certificate from the Library. In the event of permanent shifting of the retired employee out of Karachi or his death the retired employee or his surety will surrender the borrower’s card along with the book(s), if any, outstanding thereon to the Library. SBP employees proceeding on ex-Pakistan study leave will have to return the books outstanding in their accounts and seek clearance before relieving.

17. Stock Taking

Before stock taking all loaned items will be recalled from members and no further item will be issued until stock taking is over.

18. General Rules of Conduct

a) Abusive behavior, whether physical or verbal, will not be tolerated by staff or patrons. Abusive patrons will be required to leave the library and the Internal Bank Security Department (IBSD) will be called if deemed necessary to deal with such untoward situation.

b) Silence must be observed in the library. Loud, boisterous, and disruptive behavior will not be permitted. Disruptive patrons will be given an initial warning and will then be required to leave if this behavior persists.

c) Foods and beverages are not allowed inside the library.

d) Smoking is strictly prohibited.

e) Operation of cellular phones in not permitted.

f) Use of office equipment (telephone, computers, etc.) will only be allowed with permission of library staff.

g) Theft/vandalism of library property or private property of staff or patrons is a criminal offence. The person found guilty of doing such acts will lose all rights of using library facilities forthwith and further disciplinary action may be initiated against the offender.