Library - State Bank of Pakistan

Vision, Mission & Values


"To enrich the lives of Pakistani bankers by supporting their informational needs and intellectual pursuits through provision of high quality information resources and services."

To fulfill this mission, the library commits to:

  1. acquire, organize and maintain appropriate information resources that adequately meet the research, learning, and general information needs of library members;
  2. offer services those facilitate the use of the library and the pursuit of knowledge, provide appropriate and timely access to library’s collections, and enable individuals to become independent learners;
  3. develop and maintain facilities that are conducive to study and research, foster a sense of research community, and are sufficiently sized and equipped for the organization, storage and preservation of library collections.


"To become the centre of intellectual enquiry for the whole banking community of Pakistan."

In this desired future, the Library ensures that its collections remain forward-looking, diverse in breadth and form, open to browsing, and of world-renowned quality. Through promotion, the Library makes people aware of the resources available to them, and through innovation, it makes access to these resources easier. The Library’s creation of an integrated, seamless web of information further streamlines access. To serve future users, the Library preserves information across all formats and ensures effective storage and delivery systems. The Library’s physical and virtual spaces respond to the changing habits of its users to enrich the campus experience and to multiply the ways in which people can pursue inquiry. The Library’s collaboration with expanding circles of partners yields unified access, broadening knowledge, and enhanced services. The Library continues to embrace change and align itself to thrive on diversity, to support professional growth and opportunity, and to reward flexibility and innovation. 


In all of our interactions, we are guided by these values:

  • We encourage the process of learning and the life of the mind.
  • We celebrate truth seeking through discourse and investigation.
  • We anticipate and contribute to scholarly inquiry.
  • We promote the Library as both a real and virtual extended classroom.
  • We embrace our role as collectors and custodians of the intellectual record.
  • We offer an environment that supports creativity, flexibility, and collaboration.
  • We believe that each user of the Library is unique and important.
  • We evolve to meet the changing needs of the Library and its users.
  • We maintain a comfortable, welcoming and secure place for study, research, work, reflection and interaction.
  • We commit ourselves to excellence.
  • We seek out the best people and resources to accomplish our work.
  • We support individual growth and organizational development.
  • We work diligently to exceed the expectations of those we serve.
  • We relate to each other with honesty and candor.
  • We adhere to the principles of fairness, justice and equality in our work.
  • We promote the highest standards of our profession, including open and equitable access to information.
  • We demonstrate a strong work ethic, taking responsibility for our actions, keeping our word, and following through on our commitments.
  • We treat everyone with equal consideration and courtesy.
  • We encourage differences in perspective, opinions and ideas.
  • We consider the needs of others.
  • We provide an environment that is inclusive and diverse.
  • We engage in open and honest communication at all levels.
  • We recognize the importance of Library-wide participation.
  • We reach out to all segments of our user communities.
  • We share information and solicit opinions about decisions that affect the success of the Library.