Library - State Bank of Pakistan

Printed Resources

Print resources occupy major part of the library space. These are further classified into:

A) Monographic Collection
B) Periodical Collection

A brief description of these resources is given as under:

 A) Monographic Collection:

Contains over 100,000 volumes of books and research reports organized under the following sub-sections:

1) Quran Section: Contains a growing collection of 1800 books on Quranic Studies including Quranic texts, translations, and commentaries in various languages; Quranic indices, dictionaries and encyclopaedias; and some rare manuscripts/publications like:

  • Handwritten manuscript of the Holy Quran in Arabic by Mirza Husain, a calligraphist of the Moghul Period, under the supervision of Sheikh Imam Uddin; copied during the reign of the Emperor Bahaur Shah Zafar, the last of the Moghuls. The date of completion is 1263 A.H. which corresponds to the year 1846 of the Christian era.
  • Holy Quran in Arabic published by Muhammad Amanatullah Munsarim from Calcutta in 1306 A.H corresponding to 1888 CE. It starts every line from the Arabic Alphabet “Wao” and finishes each chapter on two pages only.
  • Holy Quran in Arabic with Brief Notes in Persian published by Gulzar Hasnie in 1311 A.H corresponding to 1893 CE. It starts every line from the Arabic Alphabet “Alif”.
  • Swateh-ul-Ilham – a Persian commentary of the Holy Quran without any dotted letters authored by Malik-us-Shura Abul-Faiz Faizi and published from Lukhnow by Nolaksho in 1306 A.H corresponding to 1888 CE.

2) Reference Section: This section houses various kinds of atlases, dictionaries, directories, encyclopaedias, concordances, yearbooks, statistical handbooks and manuals, etc. Reference books are not lent but can only be consulted within the library. Some renowned reference works available in the library are:

  • General Encyclopaedias, such as:
    • Collier’s, Encyclopedia
    • Encyclopedia Americana
    • Encyclopedia Britannica
    • Everyman’s Encyclopedia
    • New Universal Encyclopedia
    • Oxford Encyclopedia
    • World Book Encyclopedia
  • Subject Encyclopaedias, like:
    • Encyclopedia of Accounting
    • Encyclopedia of Asian History.
    • Encyclopedia of Economics
    • Encyclopedia of Islam
    • Encyclopedia of Islamic Economy
    • Encyclopedia of Islamic Shariat
    • Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    • Encyclopedia of Quran
    • Encyclopedia of Religions
    • Encyclopedia of Seerah
    • Encyclopaedia of South Asia
    • Encyclopedia of World Arts
    • International Encyclopedia of Labor Laws & Industrial Relations
    • International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences
    • International Encyclopedia of Statistics
    • Law and Practice of International Finance
    • Macmillan’s Encyclopedia of Computers
    • McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology
  • Leading language dictionaries such as those of Oxford, Chambers, BBC, Ferozsons, National Language Authority, etc.
  • Subject dictionaries / glossaries of accounting, banking, commerce, economics, finance, management, IT, and other subjects published by different publishers.
  • Biographical Sources such as International Who is Who 1950 to 2010, McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Biography, Dictionary of National Biography.
  • Different atlases published by reputed local and foreign publishers
  • Educational Guide of Pakistan 2000 to 2005
  • Europa World Yearbook 1964 to 2009
  • Guinness Book of World Records 1990 to 2014
  • Pakistan Almanacs 2000-01 and 2006-07
  • Pakistan Energy Yearbook 1978-2012
  • Pakistan Yearbook 1971 to 1994-95
  • Statesman’s Yearbook 1975 to 2010
  • Banker's Almanac 2008
  • The New York Times Almanac 2011
  • Whitaker’s Almanacs
  • World of Learning 1948 to 2010
  • Yearbook of Far East and Australia 1979 to 1998
  • Yearbook of Middle East and North Africa 1981 to 1998
  • Yearbook of Pacific South of the Sahara 1967 to 1998

3) Government Publications Section: Reports issued by various agencies of the federal government, periodically or occasionally, have been organized in a separate section called Government Publications Section. Being the sources containing primary and official data or view point on different socioeconomic aspects, these publications are extensively consulted by the SBP as well as outsider researchers. The library has almost complete archive of renowned government publications including:

  • Acts and Ordinances (1948 to 1984)
  • Agricultural Statistics of Pakistan (1951-52 to 2017-2018)
  • Annual Development Programme (1961 to 1977)
  • Annual Establishment Enquiry (1973-74 to 1989-90)
  • Annual Plan (1965-66 to 2019-2020)
  • Annual Report on Public Sector Industries (1980-81 to 1997-98)
  • Census of Agricultural Machinery (1975, 1984, 1994, 2004)
  • Census of Agriculture (1960, 1972, 1980, 1990 ,2002, 2010 )
  • Census of Electricity Undertakings (1962-63, 1972-73 to 1973-74, 1981-82 to 1990-91)
  • Census of Electricity Establishments ( 2003-04 to 2005-06)
  • Census of Establishments Pakistan 1988
  • Census of Livestock 1986,1996,2006
  • Census of Manufacturing Industries (1954 to 2005-06)
  • Census of Mining Industries (1969 to 2004-05)
  • Enquiry on Labour Welfare (1971 to 1990)
  • FBR Yearbook (Formerly CBR Yearbook) 1986-87 to 2015-16
  • Fertilizer Review (1989-90 to 2017-18)
  • Five Year Plans including their reviews and evaluation reports (1955-60, 1960-65, 1965-70, 1970-75, 1978-83, 1983-88, 1988-93, 1993-98, and 1998-2003, , 2010-2015, 2013-2018)
  • Government Sponsored Corporations (1958 to 1990)
  • Labour Force Surveys (1970-71 to 2017-18)
  • National Accounts of Pakistan (1969 to 2004-2005)
  • Pakistan Basic Facts (1949 to 1984-85)
  • Pakistan Customs Tariff (1985 to 2012-2013)
  • Pakistan Demographic Survey (1984 to 2007)
  • Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (1990-91, 2006-07, 2012-13, 2017-18)
  • Pakistan Economic Survey (1949 to 2018-2019)
  • Pakistan Education Statistics (2006-2017)
  • Pakistan Energy Yearbook (1983 to 2018 )
  • Pakistan Insurance Yearbook (1948 to 2007-08)
  • Pakistan Rural Credit Survey 1985
  • Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey (2005-2016)
  • Pakistan Statistical Yearbook (1952 to 2016)
  • Performance Evaluation of Public Sector Enterprises (1999-2000 to 2002-2003)
  • Population and Housing Census Reports (1951, 1961, 1971, 1981 and 1998)
  • Population Growth Surveys (1968, 1969, 1971, 1976 to 1979)
  • Public Sector Development Programmes ( 1970-71 to 2018-2019)
  • Some Socioeconomic Trends (1980 to 1986)
  • Statistics Relating to Share Capital of Joint Stock Companies Registered in Pakistan (1956 to 1969)
  • The Pakistan Code. 19 Volumes (both old and revised editions)
  • The Statutory Rules, Orders made under central Enactment (2 Volumes)
  • Un-repealed Central Acts (11 Volumes)

All government documents are generally treated as reference only. However, Chief Librarian may allow the people form Research & Statistics Departments to borrow the reports for a limited period for discharging their official assignments.

4) SBP Publications Section: Maintains complete archive of all SBP Publications.

5) Rare Books Section: Includes over 900 books which have been declared RARE because of their scarcity and old archival value.

6) IMF Publications Section: Holds over a thousand publications of International Monetary Fund. Some regular IMF Publication Series maintained in the section are:

  • Balance of Payments Statistics (1947-2008)
  • Direction of Trade Statistics (1981-2008)
  • Foreign Direct Investment Statistics 2003
  • Global Financial Stability Report (2002-2013)
  • Government Finance Statistics (1977-2018)
  • International Capital Markets (1986-2009)
  • International Financial Statistics (1979-2018)
  • World Economic Outlook (1980-2013)

7) World Bank Publications Section: Contains around 800 books/research reports/working papers published by the World Bank. Some prominent monographic series of the World Bank maintained under this section are:

  • Doing Business (2004-2019)
  • Financial Performance and Soundness Indicators of South Asia(2004-2005)
  • Global Economic Prospects (1991-2010)
  • Global Monitoring Report (2005-2012)
  • International Debt Statistics (formerly Global Development Finance / World Debt Tables) 1975-2017
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (2005-2019)
  • World Development Indicators (1997-2016)
  • World Development Report (1978-2019)

9) UN Publications Section: The UN Publications section holds research reports of United Nations Agencies and its other organs like UNCTAD, WTO, ESCAP, FAO, World Economic Forum, etc. The most frequently consulted titles in this section are:

  • Demographic Yearbook (1948-2017)
  • Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 1976 to 2013
  • Economic Survey of Europe 1948 to 1994-95
  • Emerging Stock Markets Facts Book 1991 to 2002
  • Foreign Trade Statistics of Asia and the Pacific 1971 to 1998
  • Global Competitiveness Report 1999-2008
  • Global Information Technology Report 2003-04 to 2008-09
  • Global Stock Markets Facts Book 2003 to 2012
  • Handbook of International Trade and Development Statistics (1976-1996/97)
  • Human Development Report (1992-2013)
  • International Trade (1953-1993)
  • International Trade Statistics (2003-2009)
  • International Trade Statistics Yearbook (1950-2017)
  • National Accounts Statistics (1957-2011)
  • Small Industry Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific (1977-1993)
  • Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific (1974-2009)
  • Trade and Development Report (1981-2013)
  • UN Statistical Yearbook (2002-2010)
  • UNCTAD Commodity Yearbook (1990-1995)
  • UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics (2000-2018)
  • World Debt Tables (1975-1996)
  • World Economic and Social Surveys (1994 to 2010)
  • World Economic Situation and Prospects (2002-2003)
  • World Investment Report (1991-2008)
  • World Trade Report (2004-2009)
  • Yearbook of the United Nations (1947-1995)

10) ADB Publications Section: As depository library of Asian Development Bank, SBP Library receives all official publications of ADB comprising of books, selected country and economic studies, technical papers, annual reports, statistical publications, documents on loans and technical assistance projects, environmental impact assessments, and public information materials. A separate section for ADB publications is being maintained at SBP Library. Some key statistical publication besides monograph series in ADB holdings are:

  • Asian Development Outlook (1989-2013)
  • Key Indicators (1991, 2000-2013)

11) PIDE Publications Section: PIDE is the leading research and teaching institute of Pakistan that focuses on theoretical and empirical research in Development Economics in general and on Pakistan-related economic issues in particular. SBP Library maintains a separate section for PIDE publications in which all books, research reports, policy notes, and working papers of PIDE have been displayed.

12) Budgets Section: This section maintains archives of the following budget documents:

  • Azad Jammu & Kashmir (2008-09 to Present)
  • Baluchistan Province (1970-71 to Present)
  • Federal Government (1947-48 to Present)
  • Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (1974-75 to 2001-2002)
  • N.W.F.P. (1970-71 to Present)
  • Punjab Province (1970-71 to Present)
  • Sindh Province (1970-71 to Present)

13) Gazettes Section: This section maintains archives of the following gazette documents:

  • Dacca Gazette (1949-1970)
  • Government of Baluchistan (1971-1983)
  • Government of India (1938-1965)
  • Government of N.W.F.P. (1950-1983)
  • Government of Pakistan (1970 to Present)
  • Government of Punjab (1950-1998)
  • Government of Sindh (1950-1992)
  • West Pakistan Gazette (1954-1969)

14) General Section: Books that do not fall in the above listed sections are placed in the General Section classified language-wise under English, Urdu, Arabic, and regional languages.

B) Periodical Collection:

The periodical collection comprises of journals, magazines, newspapers, and banks/companies reports. Besides subscribing to the latest issues, library also maintains back archives of the subscribed periodicals which in case of some journals date back to 1940’s. Presently, library subscribes to 137 foreign and 33 local journals/magazines while 44 foreign and 40 local journals/magazines are arranged on complimentary basis. The newspapers subscriptions cover 35 titles containing 33 local and 2 foreign dailies. Library also maintains annual reports of 70 central banks, 43 commercial banks, and 504 companies belonging to various sectors of economy. Lists of periodical holdings can be viewed at the following links:


 Foreign Journals / Magazines

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 Local Journals / Magazines

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 Annual Reports of Central Banks

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 Annual Reports of Commercial Banks

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 Annual Reports of Companies

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