Library - State Bank of Pakistan


General Questions

Q: Where is the library located?

Ans: The library is located at the ground floor of LRC building in the State Bank of Pakistan Head Office, I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi. For more information, see the following map:

SBP Location Map

Q: What are the library hours of operation?

Ans: Except for the official holidays notified by the federal government, the Library remains open between 9:00am to 8:00pm on Mondays through Fridays. A break between 01:00pm to 2:30pm is observed on Fridays for Juma prayer.

Q: I am not a library member, can I consult library materials?

Ans: Yes, non-members can use library facility but for reference only. For security reasons, original CNIC would be required for entry in SBP and its library premises.

Q. I have a question or need help from the library, what do I do?

Ans: You can call ++(92-21)9921-2460, visit in person, or send an e-mail to Ask A Librarian

Library Resources

Q. What kinds of resources are available in library?

Ans: Library maintains a variety of information resources for its patrons including books, technical reports, journals, magazines, newspapers, CDs/DVDs, and online databases.

Q. Are there books on subjects other than economics and banking?

Ans: Being the library of a central bank, the major focus of collection development remains on the subjects of economics, banking, finance, and commerce. However, literature on other auxiliary disciplines such as information technology, law, statistics, and management as well as on disciplines of general interest like philosophy, religion, politics, literature, history, and biographies, etc. is also adequately maintained.

Q. Does the Library maintain annual reports of banks/companies?

Ans: The library has a collection of annual reports issued by the central banks and local and foreign commercial banks. The Library also receives the annual reports of a number of industrial undertakings & business firms engaged in various sectors of the economy. The annual reports are stacked for consultation on the 1st Floor.


Q. How do I find books?

Ans: Library Portal, which is available at the desktops of all SBP employees, provides basic and advanced level catalogue search facility for books, articles, or periodical holdings through range of search parameters like author, title, subject, date, and publisher, etc. Library visitors can use any of the two dedicated OPAC terminals, one at library entrance in front of circulation desk and other at the first floor, to search library catalogues. Alternatively, assistance can be had from the reference desk in locating particular documents.

Q. How can I search for online resources?

Ans. On the electronic resources page, which enlists all subscribed as well as selected open access resources, browse to a particular resource and click on its given URL to launch the search interface. Please note that the CD-ROMs and Password Protected resources can be accessed only on dedicated public terminals placed in the e-Library Corner. However, the IP configured resources can be accessed at any terminal connected to SBP network.

Q. What if I am not on SBP Network, how can I access the online resources?

The remote users (SBP active employees only) can get access to the online resources using our secured VPN connection over the internet. All they have to do is to login to < >using their official windows username & password.


Q. Who can become member of SBP Library?

Ans: All employees of the Bank (active or retired) as well as the outsiders including Universities’/colleges’ students, academicians, bankers, lawyers, business men, Journalist, etc. can become SBP library member.

Q. How do I get the membership of library?

Ans: Apply on the prescribed form with 2 photographs and a copy of CNIC. For outsiders, the form needs to be verified by an in-service SBP employee as guarantor.

Q. What are the charges for SBP library membership?

Ans: Membership is absolutely free for all.

Q.  I am living outside Karachi. Can I get library membership?

Ans: Presently, we don’t offer membership / borrowing facility to remote users. It is available only for those residing in Karachi.

Borrowing, Renewals & Reservations

Q. How do I borrow books?

Ans: Books are lent to registered members only against the membership card issued.

Q. I'm not from State Bank. Can I borrow books?

Ans: One has to have membership of the library for borrowing books.

Q. How many books can I borrow?

Ans: Books are issued to various categories of members as per following scales:

  • SBP Active Employees:              15 books
  • SBP Retired Employees:               5 books
  • Outsiders (Friend Members):         3 books
Q. For how long may I keep a borrowed book?

Ans: Books are issued for 30 days. The period is extendable if the book is not reserved by another member.

Q. How can I renew my borrowed books?

Ans: The SBP employees may renew their borrowed books themselves through their respective accounts on library’s online portal or may seek assistance of the circulation staff for the purpose. The retired employees and outsider members shall have to present the books at the circulation counter on the due date for renewal.

Q. How can I reserve a book that someone else has checked out?

Ans: The SBP employees may login to their accounts on Library Portal and reserve the required book which is issued to other member. The retired employees and friends members may request the staff for reservation.

Q.  How many books can I reserve at one time?

Ans: All registered members are entitled to reserve 5 books at one time.

Q. How will I know that my reserved book has been returned in library and is available for lending?

Ans: The moment reserved book is returned in the library, a system generated email is issued to the member to intimate about the availability of the reserved book.

Q.  Can I borrow journals, magazines, and newspapers?

Ans: The periodicals including journals, magazines, and newspapers are categorized as reference items and hence are not loaned. However, photocopy of the desired portions/pages may be arranged.

Returning Books

Q. What happens if I return a book late?

Ans: A fine @ Re 1 per book per day is charged on the late return of books.

Q. What happens if I lose a book?

Ans: If a book is lost by a member, replacement cost of the same is recovered. The replacement cost is worked out as double the current market price of the book.

Q. Is there any fee for obtaining a duplicate borrower’s card?

Ans: Yes, a fee of Rs. 50 is charged for issuing a duplicate borrower’s card.