Library - State Bank of Pakistan
⇐ eResources Directory

Web Portals

  • ACM Portal & Digital Library

    Contains full text of ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) journals, magazines, transactions, proceedings, newsletters, and publications of affiliated organizations and special interest groups.

    Access URL:

  • BIS International Directory

    The International Directory is a valuable guide to key individuals in the central bank community. It provides up-to-date information on governors, board members, managers and certain other officials of central banks and various international organizations. The publication is prepared and regularly updated by Bank for International Settlements (BIS) External Services on the basis of particulars received from the institutions covered in it. The latest modifications are marked in bold type in the text. The monthly updates are generally available via eBIS by the 7th working day of the month.

    Access URL:


  • Society for Human Resource Management

    Provides access to HR knowledge Centre,  research reports, magazines and other publications of SHRM

    Access URL:

  • eIFRS

    Provides online access to:

    • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and International Accounting Standards (IASs) in HTML format
    • IFRSs and IASs in PDF format dating back to 1975
    • Subscriber-only previews of Near-final drafts of forthcoming standards and interpretations
    • Translated IFRSs, IASs and Interpretations in PDF format into Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, with other languages to follow.   [Note: There is usually a delay between the date an official pronouncement is issued by IASB or IFRIC and the date that the approved translation becomes available.]
    • International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) update and International Accounting Standards Boad (IASB) update newsletters
    • IFRS Foundation education material, including Summaries and Guides through the official text of each IFRS and IAS with hyperlinked cross-references and annotations, including relevant IFRIC agenda items;  
    • A powerful 'Search Standards' function allowing subscribers to search eIFRS by issue date and more.

    Access URL: