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  • JUN 23 2023
    Special Session for Summer Camp Children
    As part of our ongoing efforts to highlight the significance of books and libraries in child development, we organized a captivating event (...

    As part of our ongoing efforts to highlight the significance of books and libraries in child development, we organized a captivating event (click here to see the photo gallery) for the children of the Summer Camp.

    The event aimed to showcase how books and libraries play a vital role in shaping a child's mind and fostering their love for learning. We wanted to provide an interactive and engaging experience that would leave a lasting impression on their young minds.

    During the session, the children were divided into small groups and were encouraged to explore our vast collection of Books and Atlases. They were given the opportunity to dive into different genres and discover the wonders that lie within the pages. Our dedicated librarians were available to guide them, answer their questions, and offer insightful recommendations.

    To make the event even more exciting, we introduced multiple activates like “Library Lingo – Cross Word Puzzle”, sketch drawing, making customized book marks, and many more. It was heartwarming to witness their creativity as they drew beautiful illustrations and wrote heartfelt messages about their newfound appreciation for books and Libraries.

    The success of this activity reaffirmed our belief in the importance of libraries as nurturing environments that stimulate a child's curiosity and thirst for knowledge. We hope that this event will have a lasting impact on the children, encouraging them to continue exploring the world of books and utilizing our library as a valuable resource for their personal growth.

    We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the participants, parents, and staff members who made this activity such a memorable one. Together, we can continue shaping young minds and instilling a lifelong love for reading.

  • JUN 12 2023
    Orientations for Participants of Summer Internship Programs of SBP & SBP-BSC
    Two separate groups of interns partipating in Summer Internship Programs of SBP & SBP-BSC visited the Library on 12-Jun-2023. The groups were given orientations about the Library's resources, services and facilities available to them and how t...

    Two separate groups of interns partipating in Summer Internship Programs of SBP & SBP-BSC visited the Library on 12-Jun-2023. The groups were given orientations about the Library's resources, services and facilities available to them and how these can be optimally utilized. 

  • JUN 01 2023
    Uncover a Comprehensive Bibliography of Books on Central Banking
    Let our carefully curated collection of books introduce you to an enlightening exploration of the intricacies of central banking. Delve into the fundamentals, polic...

    Let our carefully curated collection of books introduce you to an enlightening exploration of the intricacies of central banking. Delve into the fundamentals, policies, and practices that shape the global financial landscape. Gain insights from renowned experts, historical perspectives, and cutting-edge research to deepen your understanding of this vital field.

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